6 Tips on How to Stay Sober

Staying sober is hard

If these emotions become excessive, they can hold you back from recovery. If you are trying to maintain a sober lifestyle, those feelings can become toxic and contribute to relapse if you don’t deal with them properly. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be ‘perfect’ in recovery. Typically, we have the support of our friends and family throughout the process, and we do not want to let them down. To let them down in recovery only means you feel like you’re disappointing them yet again. People often enter into recovery in the first place to save their marriages or their families, or to mend the relationships they’ve destroyed.

  • Also, I just want to mention that there are other types of 12-step groups out there, like DAA or CA, that can also be great for staying sober.
  • This article will describe sobriety in more detail, the challenges a person faces while working to stay sober, the options for treatment, and tips for building a sober lifestyle.
  • Now, when I say manifest your dreams, I’m not suggesting making a vision board, hanging it up, and expecting it to do the work.
  • When you become so wrapped up in addiction, you lose everything else.

Find Balance in Your Life

Staying sober is hard

Similarly, as we experience achievement, acknowledging small wins keeps us motivated. Some people journal their sobriety milestones, while others track them on their phone or a calendar. Your exercise routine can include going to a gym, but let’s face it — the gym isn’t for everyone. There are so many options for exercising at home with on-demand programs or at-home workout equipment, in case the gym is not your thing. Be wary of anything or anyone who causes negative thoughts, wears on your emotional state or triggers you. If you haven’t done this already, consider cleaning out your pantry and cupboards to remove any tempting substances lurking.

Staying sober is hard

Withdrawal Symptoms

I worked hard, I put in the hours, and I reached my goal. My therapist was an incredibly intelligent man who was able to help being sober around drinkers me see the truth behind so much of what I was struggling with. Without out him, I don’t think I’d be where I am today.

  • It’s not for everyone, but if religion gives you peace of mind, then don’t let it slip from you life.
  • With time, it will get easier, but especially when you’re jumping back in, keep a strict schedule.
  • Mental health issues often coexist with substance abuse.
  • Recovery from a substance use disorder or addiction is rarely an easy path.

Establish a Routine

My current goal is to get a book published, and though that might never happen, working toward it gives me a sense of purpose that I just didn’t have when drinking and using. When I started setting major goals for myself in life, I think my life got exponentially better for a simple reason. They can also introduce you https://ecosoberhouse.com/ to other sober people, help you find sober activities, and even help you to feel less lonely. One of the main reasons for this is that it gives you someone to talk to who is sober and living a good life. Think about what your hobbies are, what you used to love and care about before you started drinking or using.

  • The brain and body need time to return to functioning without the substance.
  • I just never had friends who either weren’t alcoholics/drug addicts.
  • Relapse rates for substance use addictions are around 40% to 60%.
  • Overreacting to minor issues is the textbook example of these emotional shifts.

Recognize Relapse Warning Signs

Staying sober is hard

What Is Sobriety?

Stay Sober by Spending Time With Sober People

Staying sober is hard

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